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Results for "keyword: "senses""
Listening to the Land A spur to listen to the natural world around you with all your senses.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh inTraits of a Healthy Spirituality It is nice to think how one can be
Twylah Nitsch in The Mystic Vision I listen and hear the Silence
Coffee with Milk, Sugar, and Mindfulness Prompts to bring mindfulness to your coffee experience.
Tuning into the Sounds of Life Practices to help us listen.
Openness to Emotional Experience Allowing your body to feel and express your emotions.
A Prayer for Compassionate Eyes, Ears, and Heart Alan Paton's prayer to do some work of peace and compassion.
Daniel Singer and Marcella Bakur Weiner in The Sacred Portable Now Waiting for a bus, standing in line
Be Comfortable Wise counsel on respecting the body during devotions.
Listening to the Birds Suggestions for deepening your awareness of the birds around you.